Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Performance Questionnaires

The following are the basic set of requirements for performance testing of any application:
A. Application Questionnaire
1.      Description of the Application, various modules (if application is structured in a modular fashion), its functionalities, etc. The points to be covered are: -
    • General Description, Functional flow of the application.
    • System Architecture  (Communication flow)
    • Interface Description (if the system architecture involves interfacing to other subsystems) 
  1. Technical architecture of application under test with various technologies involved in the design of the application and other subsystems.
3.      Various protocols (ex: web, Siebel, oracle ..etc) supported (any specific proprietary protocols, if expected to be supported should be
  1. If the application has been developed provide the URL of an environment close to the production environment on which tests could be performed.
  2. Platforms/OS/Database supported/recommended for the product/application.
  3. List of frequently used functionalities in the application/system/product.
  4. List of business critical functionalities in the application/system/.
  5. Workload Model for the application system
(This involves the description of the usage of various functionalities/modules of the application/system/product in the production or real environment. More particularly, the number of users using various functionalities or modules of the application/system in a day or over a period of time) what are the various profiles and their frequency of activities on the site? Also provide the peak load that can be expected from each user profile and the duration for which the peak load is to be maintained. 
9.      Whether the SLA’s have been defined? Please provide the SLA’s details
10.  What is the maximum concurrent users using the site? 
11.  What is the maximum load that you want to generate on the system? 
12.  If the application is already in production what is the user profile (Peak hour load, Normal hour load).
  1. Are there any monitoring over firewalls and /or remote load generator builds
  2. Please mention details of monitoring, e.g. oracle and web/app servers 
  3. Any benchmark available for the performance of the application functions or subsystems 
  4. Baseline details (Client expectations) 

B. Engagement Questionnaire:
 Tentative Start Date of the Project
A.    Planned Completion Date of the Project 

C. Tool Questionnaire:
A.    Does the client has licensed tool for performance testing, If yes please provide the details of the tool.
B.     If the Client has license for Load runner tool, are Load Generators placed at different regions?
(To simulate real time load)
C.     Does client has remote desktop software so that users can access the machines located at?

D. Resources Questionnaire: 
A.    Does the client will provide DBA support/Infra/Dev/Web admin during the execution of Load test?
B.     Number of Resources required at Onsite and Offshore.

D.    Define Pass / Fail Criteria (What is acceptable performance parameter)

F. Contacts for Issues and escalations:
     (Infra team, Database team, Dev team, Web admin team)

G. Comments (If Any) 

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